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Insolvency can be a tough and tricky position to be in, especially when the business you’ve put passion, ambition, and sleepless nights into is hanging in the balance. It’s a stressful situation, but it’s not something you need to face alone. Our team helps you get in front of issues to maximise value and minimise risk, laying the groundwork to get you back on the front foot. Insolvency doesn’t have to mean the end. In instances where exiting is the best option, we genuinely support your people in finding the best path forward.

In this guide, we shed light on what insolvency is, how it can impact a business, and the viable solutions around it.

Insolvency Definition: More Than Just Numbers

So, what does insolvency mean? Insolvency occurs when a company or individual cannot meet their financial obligations as they are due. This typically means the debts outweigh the assets, or funds aren’t available to cover debts when they are supposed to be paid. To simplify, insolvency happens when the money going out is more than the money coming in, and existing finances are insufficient to cover outstanding debts. Causes of insolvency range from poor cash flow management, economic downturns, or excessive borrowing.

What Does Insolvency Mean for Your Business

Being insolvent can affect your ability to secure financing, maintain supplier and customer relationships, and can lead to legal consequences if not addressed swiftly. This may lead to loss of assets, reputation taking a hit, and, in some cases, business closure. But it doesn’t have to be that way. With the right advice at the right time, you can redefine insolvency’s impact on your business by managing financial challenges with dignity and strategic foresight.

Legal frameworks provide clear pathways, such as voluntary administration or liquidation, to manage these tough times responsibly. These processes give your business a chance to regain its footing or close respectfully while protecting creditors’ interests. Making timely, informed decisions is vital in navigating insolvency effectively and can significantly alter the outcome.

Recognising the Signs of Insolvency & Its Meaning

There are several indicators you shouldn’t ignore when dealing with insolvency. Meaning, spotting the early signs of financial distress can help prevent a full-blown insolvency crisis. These signs might include:

  • Consistent cash flow issues.
  • Accruing and overdue tax debt.
  • Key clients and employees leaving.
  • Issues with PAYG and Superannuation tax.
  • Legal actions and hassling calls from creditors.
  • Receiving warning letters or a Director Penalty Notice.
  • Unable to borrow funds and difficulty paying suppliers on time.

These signs suggest it might be time to seek professional guidance and consider business restructure options before it reaches its boiling point. Engaging with an expert early on also protects directors from bankruptcy, ensuring you are not personally liable for the company’s debts.

Your Options When Faced with Insolvency

When experiencing insolvency, understanding your options can make a substantial difference in outcomes. Here are the different pathways:

Voluntary Administration

A voluntary administration gives you the breathing room to reorganise your operations and reassess the future. Together with an insolvency expert, you can work out a way to find a new pathway for your business.

Under voluntary administration, a deed of company arrangement (DOCA) can be proposed to creditors, allowing a company to settle debts and continue operating. A DOCA is an agreement between the company and its creditors to resolve ongoing financial issues.

Corporate Debt Restructuring

Corporate debt restructuring can provide the relief needed to overcome financial distress. It involves negotiating new terms with creditors, possibly reducing the debt load or extending payment schedules.

This may be facilitated through a company restructure to align with the business’s financial capabilities. Your advisors can help formulate a plan that might include reducing overheads, selling non-essential assets, or refinancing existing debts.


Sometimes, when the business is no longer viable, the best option is to close the doors with liquidation. If this is the case, our experts are there every step of the way, offering steadfast support and insightful guidance. This process involves winding up the company, selling its assets, and distributing the proceeds to repay creditors. Early engagement with experts ensures the best outcome for you and your employees—helping you adapt, move forward, and emerge stronger.

Step-by-Step Guide Through Insolvency

The insolvency process is multifaceted and involves several key steps designed to ensure the fair and legal handling of debt resolution.

1. Getting in Touch with Us for an Initial Assessment 

Early engagement allows for a broader scope of potential solutions. When you reach out to us, our team will take the time to thoroughly understand the extent of financial distress and determine the best course forward.

2. Appointing Us as Your Insolvency Expert

Our team will offer solutions driven by intelligence and innovation. This could range from restructuring to preparing for a potential liquidation. Whichever your solution may be, we will find a route to a positive outcome.

3. We Expertly Manage Creditor Communication

We keep things transparent, understanding that open lines of communication with creditors are vital. They need to be kept informed about the company’s financial status and recovery plans. Our team can handle negotiations where needed for the most favourable outcomes.

4. Finding & Bringing the Solution into Action

Resolving insolvency can look like entering liquidation, undergoing restructuring, or appointing a receiver. No matter the outcome, our team is here to ensure the best possible outcome while managing debt responsibly to preserve the underlying value of your business.

Emerge Stronger and More Informed

With the right guidance and strategies, navigating through insolvency can lead to a stronger, more resilient business framework. Whether through recovery or learning from the process, understanding and managing insolvency effectively is essential to future stability.

Understanding what is insolvency is not just about knowing its definition but recognising its impact, options for management, and strategies for prevention. Mackay Goodwin is your trusted partner in handling financial challenges effectively. We invite connection and conversation, take decisive actions, and help you steer clear of troubled waters and towards smooth sailing seas.