David has been significantly involved in the growth of Mackay Goodwin, by working closely with a number of clients who have required restructure and turnaround solutions. He has extensive experience of pre-appointment meetings throughout Australia – where clients need to understand what the implications are for their company going into Voluntary Administration. David shows great empathy and builds trust with clients through what is an extremely stressful time.
David’s resources

Debt Management Tips for Company Directors
Debt is a normal part of doing business. Every company will have some debts that must be managed on a regular basis, and good debt management is about always being aware of the debts you have and dealing with them in a timely and structured manner.

10 Steps to Getting Your Business Out of Debt
Changing market conditions, shifting consumer trends, and increased competition can all impact your business’s operating environment and make restructuring necessary.

9 Tips for Managing Business Tax Debt
Fulfilling tax obligations ranks at the top of business compliance priorities, but it’s not always easy to keep on top of your business tax. Business tax debt has serious implications …

The Benefits of Debt Financing for Your Business
Running your own business might seem like a dream come true, however there’s no doubt it comes with major challenges. Finding customers, managing staff, ensuring compliance, dealing with competition, managing …

Understanding the Difference Between Good Debt and Bad Debt
Not all debt is bad, and understanding the difference between good and bad debt could enable you to make smarter decisions about how to grow your business. Recognising the impact …

5 Signs Your Business is in Financial Trouble
Business can be a funny beast at times. It might seem like everything is going swimmingly one month, only for the doors to come down the next. One thing that …

How will a business health check change the direction of your business?
If you’re in survival mode right now, you’re not alone. Thousands of Australian businesses are being tested by the fallout from COVID-19. But no business director can afford to neglect …