Project 8 is a unique Mackay Goodwin initiative contributing a circular economy systemic approach to our corporate insolvencies. This initiative aims to deliver sustainable business exits to reduce environmental, social and economic pressures from business liquidations and restructures.
Why we are doing this
Being an insolvency firms with most appointments in Australia, we see a lot of business failures. Most people only see the dollars that have been lost in corporate failures, which is obviously critical and unfortunate, however this is only the tip of the iceberg. What most people don’t see is the environmental impact from old discarded equipment, the economic impact of financial stress on-flowing to creditors’ businesses, loss of employment with terminated employees having to re-enter the workforce, and finally, mental pressure to all involved with the failed entity.
We are passionate in making a difference as an insolvency firm.
What we do
We create sustainable business exit solutions, awareness and fundraising in four (4) key areas:
- Renewable resources (for old IT equipment, furniture, stock)
- Renewable skills (for directors and employees that need to renter the workforce)
- Renewable businesses (for creditors that have been impacted from an insolvency)
- Renewable mental state (for all parties involved in liquidations i.e counselling)
How we do it
- Partnerships with Planet Ark, State Government Education Departments, TAFE, Vocational Colleges and Lifeline
- Joint venture initiatives with private suppliers
- Information sheets
- Phone consultation
- Awareness presentations
- Fundraising
Our cost in doing the above
Absolutely free.
Project 8 is a not-for-profit initiative where our employees can make a difference with their every-day work.